Syllabus for Foldable Robotics


Foldable Robotics is a course organized around new types of robots being developed in research labs and industry across the country. These devices are designed and built using layered, flat sheets of a wide variety of materials, and folded up to create both form and motion. This class studies these devices from initial prototype and design through implementation and optimization, with a focus on application-specific projects which seek to solve problems of cost, parallelism, complexity, and time with a relatively fast and easy prototyping method.

This class allows students to delve deeper into the analytical problems associated with these devices, in topics such as design, manufacturing, dynamics & simulation, optimization, kinematics & motion, and stiffness analysis.

Class Basics

Section Info and Meeting Times

Item Detail
Class Foldable Robotics
Course # TBD
Class Schedule TBD
Meeting Location TBD
Course Website
Discussion Board TBD

Instructor Contact Info

Item Detail
Instructor Daniel M. Aukes
Instructor Office TBD

Office Hours

Office Hours will be held on Fridays; exact hours TBD


There are no formal prerequisites, but students taking Foldable Robotics should be familiar with:

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, students will demonstrate proficiency in synthesizing concepts from across a number of engineering domains including robotics, modeling and analysis, optimization, data collection and experimental validation, CAD/CAM design, and manufacturing & rapid prototyping. This includes:

Expected Learning Outcomes

Foldable Robotics


Biomechanics and Bio-inspiration

Kinematics, Jacobians, Forces, and Power


Actuator Selection, Characterization, and Integration

Compliance and System Stiffness

Optimization for model fitting and design improvement

Prototyping, manufacturing, and computation

Experimental Validation

Team-based project management, communication, etc

Textbook, Materials, Equipment, and Personal Laptops


There is no textbook. Selected readings from will be provided on this website and/or linked to online.


You will be expected to install and use either the Anaconda distribution of Python, or google colab, for completing all assignments and following along in class.

This class is friendly to all operating systems. Students have used Window, Ubuntu or OS/X on their own in the past with no problems.

Please see the software list posted on the course site for more information about required and recommended software. The software listed is either open-source and freely available to download, available through the university, or free for student use.


It is expected that you can bring a laptop to class to complete in-class programming tasks.


Students will be responsible for selecting and obtaining the consumable materials used in their project, such as cardboard, adhesive, plastic, etc. I may be able to supply a limited number of motors, sensors, and controllers which can be used for development, but if students wish to keep their robots they will need to purchase their own components.


Special equipment for making laminate robots will be made available as necessary. Using these tools and equipment may require you to pass certain safety training workshops as required by the university.


Checkout of equipment or reusable parts may be possible through Dr. Aukes, the Innovation Hub, or Peralta Labs. Any checked-out tools or parts must be returned in order to receive a grade in the class.

Zoom Policy

This course is available in-person only .


The final project will involve designing a foldable robot using the methods introduced in this class. The project will span the entire semester. Teams of ~4 students will propose a research question they would like to focus on in the realm of foldable robotics. They will survey the state of research on this topic, and craft a project of appropriate scope (with the guidance of the professor) and depth that can be accomplished in the time frame. They will then develop a design workflow, analysis, manufacturing plan, a robot, and validating data that supports the design decisions made.

Class Schedule

The class schedule can be found on this page. It is subject to change, and will be updated regularly. It is your responsibility to keep track of all due dates and times, which will all be found on the course website.


Assignments can be found on this page. It is subject to change, and will be updated regularly. It is your responsibility to keep track of all due dates and times, which will all be found on the course website.

How to Succeed in this Course

Grading Policies

The goal of assignments is to develop a fundamental understanding of the topics required to create foldable robots, using coding to design, manufacture, and analyze.

Assignments are on the course website

Assignments will be posted to the course website throughout the semester. It is the student’s responsibility to check the course website periodically for announcements and posted material. Assignments will cover many of the topics presented in class.

Type of Assignments

Assigned work may be in the form of a longer-form, weekly assignment intended to teach a new fundamental skill, or it may be a short, small-point-value assignment consisting of tasks that must be completed in order for you to complete other milestones. Some surveys also have a small number of points assigned to them, to ensure student participation. In-class work generally serves as a starting point for assigned homework and is typically ungraded, though it may be graded occasionally.

Please see the “Rubric” section of each assignment for assignment-specific expectations.

Team vs. Individual Assignments

Assigned work may be individual in nature or team-based project assignments. Individual assignments will be graded on an individual basis, and are intended to reflect your own work. Please use the discussion board feature on Canvas when you have a question. Copying others’ work is not permitted.

The grade for team-based assignments will be shared by all participating members.

Grading Scale

Final points will receive a letter grade according to the following table:

Grade Range
A+ 97-100.0
A 93-96.9
A- 90-92.9
B+ 87-89.9
B 83-86.9
B- 80-82.9
C+ 77-79.9
C 70-76.9
D 60-69.9
E 0-59.9

Grading Rubric

Some assignments will be graded according to rubric with number values corresponding to a sliding qualitative scale . The following is a general description of what each percentage means in this course:

Description %
Exceeds Expectations. Shows superior effort, quality, mastering of the concepts. Innovation in the execution of submitted work. Documentation is publication-ready. 100
Above expectations. Demonstrates full understanding of the problem, and solution is well executed, documented, and presented. 85
Meets expectations. Minor mistakes are present, but student demonstrates a general understanding of the concepts. Documentation present but perhaps not comprehensive. 70
Below expectations. Some effort shown, though there may be serios flaws in analysis or execution. Documentation lacking in certain areas. 55
Fails to meet minimum expections. Minimal effort shown. Does not show understanding and may not have thought through their methods. Documentation is lacking substance, clarity, completeness, evidence of effort. 40
Not submitted, illegible, not readable, not properly linked 0

Late Penalities

Due to the nature of this class, failing to turn in an assignment on time affects you and your classmates, as each concept builds on the last. It is your responsibility to get in touch with the instructor regarding any questions before assignments are due. Late submissions will lose one letter grade(10%) for every day they are late1. Any sumbission more than four days late will receive a zero. Additionally, due to the nature of the submission process, late CATME assignments will not be accepted.

All assignments must be submitted to Canvas by the date and time noted in Canvas.

Submitting and Presenting work

Assignment submissions must follow the “Submission Best Practices” document shared on Canvas. It outlines the expectations for well written assignments, reports, and presentations.

Assigned homework will be submitted for grading several different ways. This is always indicated in the “Submission” section of each assignment.

It is the student’s responsibility to pay close attention to each assignment’s submission instructions, as each assignment indicates the method by which the work must be submitted for grading. Failure to submit work in the manner asked for in each assignment will result in a zero.

Course Policies

Attendance & Participation

This class is structured so that it can only be successful with your attendance. Classes will be interactive, and will require you to come with questions, answers, and ideas to discuss. Students should notify me if they will miss class, although this does not excuse them from learning the concepts or turning in their assignments on time.

Missing more than two classes will result in noticeable penalties to students’ grade, in the form of -2% off the student’s final grade per missed class over two.2

Please coordinate with your fellow students to make sure someone takes notes during class if you will be unavoidably gone.


Attendance and participation in class activities is an essential part of the learning process, and students are expected to attend class regularly. Some absences are, however, unavoidable. Excused absences for classes will be given without penalty to the grade in the case of (1) a university-sanctioned event; (2) religious holidays; (3) work performed in the line-of-duty according [SSM 201-18]; and (4) illness, quarantine or self-isolation related to illness as documented by a health professional.

Anticipated absences for university-sanctioned events, religious holidays, or line-of-duty activity should be communicated to the instructor by email at, at least 2 days before the expected absence.

Absences for illness, quarantine or self-isolation related to illness should be documented by a health professional and communicated to the instructor as soon as possible by email at

Excused absences do not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the course work required during the period of absence. Faculty will provide accommodations that may include participation in classes remotely, access to recordings of class activities, and make-up work.

If there is a disagreement as to whether an absence should be accommodated, the instructor and student should contact the academic unit chair immediately for resolution.

Classroom Behavior


Professional Communication

Professional Communication in all forms is required. This includes proper dress when attending class remotely and in-person.

Cell phones, pagers, and other personal devices

Cell phones, pagers, and other personal devices must be turned off during class to avoid causing distractions. The use of recording devices is not permitted during class.
Any violent or threatening conduct by a student in this class will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students.

Use of laptops in class

Laptops are strongly suggested for this course. You may use your laptop to take notes, during tutorial sessions, or when giving presentations. Please do not use class time for emails, chats, web browsing, or other non-class related activities.

Reorganizing a Team



Reorganizing teams is not a desired outcome of a group project but is sometimes necessary if dysfunction rises to a level that it cannot complete the project. One or more teammates or the instructor may initiate the process to split or reorganize a team. Splitting teams does not necessarily work in any members’ best interests, as team-based Team Assignments, which each team member must contribute to, are afterwards spread across fewer people.

However, if the need arises, members must work with the professor to outline the issues which are creating the need to reorganize and the measures which remaining teammates may take to rectify the situation. This can take the form of changes made to communication, workload reallocation, new meeting times, etc. The professor will have the final say in establishing a set of expectations for the team, which must be met within a week. If members fail to live up to these expectations, the team may be split and reorganized, as deemed necessary by the instructor.

When reorganiztion occurs, each new team will set up their own folders starting with the former team’s work, but new material will be created by the new team, and old material adapted based on the new direction of each new team. Any changes to the project definition due to the split (such as project scope, performance specifications, timeline, etc) will need to be coordinated with the instructor for all future submissions or presentations.

The instructor has the final say in the establishment and reoganization of teams.

Academic Integrity

This class is meant to teach you how to create and use your own design tools for creating folding robots using a variety of published resources, online resources, and classroom content. I encourage you to plumb the depths of what’s available; through this synthesis you might be able to create something unique. However, I expect to be able to tell what is your work and what is someone else’s. For this reason, specific rules for this class are:

Specific Rules

Students in this class must adhere to the university’s academic integrity policy. Students are responsible for reviewing this policy and understanding each of the areas in which academic dishonesty can occur. In addition, all engineering students are expected to adhere to the University Honor Code. All academic integrity violations will be reported.


Note that class sessions may be recorded, and recordings provided to enrolled students, instructors or instructional support personnel as deemed necessary by the course instructor. If you have concerns about being recorded, please contact the course instructor.

All course content and materials, including lectures, are copyrighted materials and students may not share outside the class, upload to online websites not approved by the instructor, sell, or distribute course content or notes taken during the conduct of the course.

You must refrain from uploading to any course shell, discussion board, or website used by the course instructor or other course forum, material that is not the student’s original work, unless the students first comply with all applicable copyright laws; faculty members reserve the right to delete materials on the grounds of suspected copyright infringement.


Any information in this syllabus may be subject to change with reasonable advance notice.

  1. meaning 10% of the total possible number of points ↩︎

  2. counted as 2% of total points. ↩︎