Least Squares Optimization

%matplotlib inline
import numpy
import numpy.random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.linalg

Define your x variable

x = numpy.r_[-10:10:.5]
array([-10. ,  -9.5,  -9. ,  -8.5,  -8. ,  -7.5,  -7. ,  -6.5,  -6. ,
        -5.5,  -5. ,  -4.5,  -4. ,  -3.5,  -3. ,  -2.5,  -2. ,  -1.5,
        -1. ,  -0.5,   0. ,   0.5,   1. ,   1.5,   2. ,   2.5,   3. ,
         3.5,   4. ,   4.5,   5. ,   5.5,   6. ,   6.5,   7. ,   7.5,
         8. ,   8.5,   9. ,   9.5])

Define y as a function of x. This can be anything

y = 3*x
#y = x**2
y = 2*x**3
y += 2*numpy.sin(x)
y /= y.max()
array([-1.16581845e+00, -1.00000000e+00, -8.50824970e-01, -7.17279360e-01,
       -5.98377987e-01, -4.93191502e-01, -4.00859731e-01, -3.20588089e-01,
       -2.51627928e-01, -1.93245642e-01, -1.44688088e-01, -1.05152789e-01,
       -7.37702189e-02, -4.96025012e-02, -3.16588415e-02, -1.89239181e-02,
       -1.03922769e-02, -5.10030999e-03, -2.14798940e-03, -7.05033996e-04,
        0.00000000e+00,  7.05033996e-04,  2.14798940e-03,  5.10030999e-03,
        1.03922769e-02,  1.89239181e-02,  3.16588415e-02,  4.96025012e-02,
        7.37702189e-02,  1.05152789e-01,  1.44688088e-01,  1.93245642e-01,
        2.51627928e-01,  3.20588089e-01,  4.00859731e-01,  4.93191502e-01,
        5.98377987e-01,  7.17279360e-01,  8.50824970e-01,  1.00000000e+00])

Now create an array of normally distributed noise

rand = numpy.random.randn(*y.shape)/10
y_rand = y+rand
array([-1.03966184, -1.11103693, -0.89738405, -0.7897717 , -0.61606444,
       -0.58075587, -0.32366094, -0.41986849, -0.2252123 , -0.27872011,
       -0.06530092, -0.05975687, -0.0774088 , -0.1278407 ,  0.08502485,
       -0.06129926, -0.12204749,  0.14838957,  0.02424667,  0.00377575,
        0.11386753,  0.00182104,  0.01021305, -0.00858236,  0.14212112,
        0.18574359,  0.03174494, -0.01499514,  0.12695571,  0.08401802,
        0.21914263,  0.24385571,  0.1560743 ,  0.38365295,  0.59747615,
        0.46985472,  0.55933946,  0.61241949,  0.9059338 ,  0.79946197])

Plot y against the random vector

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff170474310>]


Now assume you create a model of the form $y(k)^$ where k are your model coefficients. You want to pick your model in such a way that the error from $y-y^$ is minimized. The residual error, or just residual can be expressed as


thus the sum of squared error is

$$||r||^2 = ||y-y^||^2 = y^T y - 2y^Ty^* + {y^}^T y^$$

Now in matrix form, $y^$ takes the form $y^=Ak$, where $k$ is your set of model weights in the form

$$k=\left[\begin{matrix}k_1&k_2&\ldots &k_m\end{matrix}\right]^T,$$

and $A$ is your set of models applied to the input variable $x$ $$A = A(x) = \left[\begin{matrix} a_1(x_0) & a_2(x_0)& \ldots& a_m(x_0)\ a_1(x_1) & a_2(x_1)& \ldots &a_m(x_1)\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots& \vdots\ a_1(x_n) & a_2(x_n)& \ldots& a_m(x_n)\ \end{matrix} \right]$$


In our case we will try to model our data with $A(x) = \left[\begin{matrix}x&x^2&x^3&\sin(x)\end{matrix}\right]$

A = numpy.array([x,x**2,x**3,x**4,x**5,x**6]).T
(40, 6)

With the model stated, we may now expand the sum of squared error with our model:

$$||r||^2 = y^T y - 2y^T(Ak) + k^TA^TAk$$

But when optimizing, you are not optimizing for $x$ or even $A(x)$, which is either given or selected by you, but for the $k$ weighting parameters, which you may select in order to minimize the above equation. Thus the error will be minimized at the point where $$\frac{d(||r||^2)}{dk}=0,$$ or

$$ - 2y^T A+ 2k^T A^T A=0$$

Solving for k, $$ k^T A^T A= y^T A$$ $$ (k^T A^T A)^T= (y^T A)^T$$ $$ (A^T A)^Tk= A^Ty$$ $$ (A^T A)k= A^Ty$$ $$ (A^T A)^{-1}(A^T A)k= (A^T A)^{-1}A^Ty$$

The optimimum value for k is thus

$$ k= (A^T A)^{-1}A^Ty$$


B = numpy.linalg.inv(A.T.dot(A))
coeff = B.dot(A.T.dot(y_rand))
array([-2.18923289e-03,  2.77108020e-03,  1.55743851e-03, -8.14782525e-05,
       -4.86516898e-06,  4.69654727e-07])

Plotting the coefficients, we see that the weights for $x^3$ are near 1 while all other weights are quite small.

xx = numpy.r_[:6]
labels = '$x$','$x^2$','$x^3$','$x^4$','$x^5$','$x^6$'
f = plt.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot()
[Text(0, 0, '$x$'),
 Text(1, 0, '$x^2$'),
 Text(2, 0, '$x^3$'),
 Text(3, 0, '$x^4$'),
 Text(4, 0, '$x^5$'),
 Text(5, 0, '$x^6$')]


To return $y^*$,

y_model = A.dot(coeff)

Plotting the noisy data against the model, we get

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot()

a = ax.plot(x,y_rand,'o')
b = ax.plot(x,y_model)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ff17008f490>


And finally, to plot the residual

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff15d69c6d0>]


Now try other models, higher resolution data, and different domains