Windows Instructions

These instructions are for installing Git along with Git Extensions, a nice GUI for working with repositories.

  1. Download and install Git
    1. keep default install location
    2. I prefer to disable shell integration
    3. I prefer to use notepad++ as a text editor, but you must install it separately.
    4. keep “git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software”
    5. use openssh
    6. use openssl
    7. checkout windows-style, commit unix-style
    8. use mintty
    9. on the next page, check
      • enable file system caching
      • enable git credential manager
    10. Install
  2. Download and install Kdiff. Keep all options default.
  3. Download and install git extensions.
    1. install for all users
    2. keep default install location
    3. Keep all options default
    4. keep putty as default.
    5. select a language(english)
    6. set your username and password in the git extensions settings window that pops up

Ubuntu Instructions (Command line only)

  1. Open up a terminal window (ctrl+alt+t)
  2. Paste the following code(substituting in your name and email) to install git.
sudo apt-get install -y git
git config --global "LastName, Firstname"
git config --global ""