Refer to the website for all the documentation and files

  1. Install the Arduino IDE
  2. Install Adafruit windows drivers(if applicable)
  3. Add repository
  4. Add adafruit boards manager
    • tools –> board –> board manager…
    • search for adafruit, select, and install.

USB Bootloader Settings

  1. Plug in USB Bootloader
  2. Select Board:
    • ProTrinket5V/16MHz(USB)
  3. Select Programmer:
    • USBTinyISP
  4. upload

USB/Serial Cable Settings

  1. Plug in USB/Serial Cable to the six pins at the end of the adafruit pro trinket
  2. If necessary, install ftdi drivers
  3. Select Board:
    • ProTrinket5V/16MHz(FTDI)
  4. Select Port (use device manager to identify)
  5. Select Programmer:
    • AVR ISP
  6. upload

Working with serial

Serial Echo

void setup() {
void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {      // If anything comes in Serial (USB),;
    Serial.write("x");   // read it and send it out Serial1 (pins 0 & 1)